Lasio One-Piece Rimless Water Closet (LUX 811 Rimless)

Lasio One-Piece Rimless Water Closet (LUX 811 Rimless)

690 cm (Length) x 380 cm (Width) x 740 cm (Height)

One Piece RIMLESS Water Closet

● Rimless Flushing System
● Soft Closing Seat Cover
● Dual Flush Push Button
● Size: 690x360x730mm
● S-trap : 250mm Roughing-in

Rimless, the third generation flushing style is more powerful and it allows the water to reach higher around the bowl during flushing , it has a full coverage of cleaning and it cleans the whole surface and this designed also prevent splashing of water. it also gives you a 360 water flushing. 
Perfect for creating a contemporary, stylish look and feel to your new bathroom.

One piece wc VS Two piece WC

● One-piece toilet: If the toilet and tank are fused together without any joints then the toilet is known as a one piece toilet – also known as single piece toilet.

● Two-piece toilet: If the toilet and tank are separate and joined using fittings then it is known as two piece toilet – also known as coupled toilets.

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